I Have A Dream

I Have A Dream

What does the history of your future look like? If you have a dream of what that looks like, then start working that dream now.

Money Mistakes

Money Mistakes

The advice I would give to someone who is just starting out and want to become financially independent as fast as they possibly can.

Today Does Matter

Today Does Matter

What can you do today that will ensure that your business will survive and thrive post pandemic? Because what you do today does matter.

Taking Care Of Business

Taking Care Of Business

What then does it mean for your business if you adopted Elvis Presley’s motto “Taking Care of Business in a Flash” for your business?

Doing Business After Covid-19

Doing Business After Covid-19

Covid-19 will go into our history books as one of those pandemics that shape the world. How will doing business after Covid-19 change?

Escape From The Struggle Zone

Escape From The Struggle Zone

70-80% of businesses are in the struggle zone. Many will never ever leave. To escape, you must implement strategies to take out of there!

How To Grow Your Business

How To Grow Your Business

To grow your business, you must identify the knowledge you must have, the strategies to implement, the skills to master and your fears.

One Person

One Person

All it takes is for one person to step out and do that one small thing and make a difference. Will you be that one person?

Overcoming Overwhelm

Overcoming Overwhelm

Today, overwhelm has replaced ignorance. It is becoming increasingly difficult to discern between the important and the background noise.